Legal-Ease International makes students ready for the global legal industry, shares Founder & CEO Dena Falken!

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Dena Falken, CEO and Founder of Legal-Ease International.
Hi Dena, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about your company, Legal-Ease International.
Thank you for having me on! Legal-Ease International Inc, the World Leader in Legal English®, has developed an exceptional Live and Online Seminar for the working professional. Attend a Live seminar, or a Seminar Online, at any time from anywhere. Legal-Ease International’s Online Seminar enables student-centered teaching, is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and allows for individualized instruction and mastery. It focuses on general legal vocabulary related to the U.S. legal system and law, the legal profession, and the terminology lawyers need in their daily working practice.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be certified in “Legal English” and ready for the challenges of a global legal industry. All courses are taught by United States attorneys.
Thousands of interpreters, attorneys, paralegals, and support staff have successfully completed the Legal-Ease International training worldwide. Over the course of a year, for less than two dollars a day, you can make yourself a valuable asset for any prospective client.
I was working in Milan, Italy. I was privately consulting many lawyers who spoke English, but they did not speak Legal English. The idea was born. This was in 1992; I was the first. The name Legal-Ease International was incorporated. A logo formed, successful courses throughout Italy, and now we are in over 50 countries, with online classes, live classes, and amazing Software of Legal Forms in English and Spanish.
We are the World Leader in Legal English. I created this industry when there was no competition. We go directly to the country of our clients. This eliminates the need for them to travel and reduces expenses. All our trainers are U.S. lawyers giving us knowledge of the language of the law. We speak several languages. We are the first and foremost and most prestigious. Legal-Ease International is in a league of its own. The one, the only, the original…the best!
What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?
Strategies were always to be responsive to the need that was out there. Professionals in the law had a gap between speaking and writing English and Legal English.
Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?
You can find more about us by visiting our website. It is a one stop shop for all things Legal English. Directories of lawyer, translators and other professionals are available. Legal English Forms software, online courses, books and more.
Thank you so much, Dena, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!
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