We sat down with Dena Falken, President and CEO of Legal-Ease International. Legal-Ease International is a world leader in “Legal English,” helping clients navigate and master the treacherous terminology and structure of legal language.

Dena, thank you so much for joining us today! Can you tell us a little bit about Legal-Ease and what you guys do?
Thank you for having me on! Legal-Ease International Inc, the World Leader in Legal English®, has developed an exceptional Live and Online Seminar for the working professional. Attend a Live seminar, or a Seminar Online, at any time from anywhere. Legal-Ease International’s Online Seminar enables student-centered teaching, is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and allows for individualized instruction and mastery. It focuses on general legal vocabulary related to the U.S. legal system and law, the legal profession, and the terminology lawyers need in their daily working practice.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be certified in “Legal English” and ready for the challenges of a global legal industry. All courses are taught by United States attorneys.
Thousands of interpreters, attorneys, paralegals, and support staff have successfully completed the Legal-Ease International training worldwide. Over the course of a year, for less than two dollars a day, you can make yourself a valuable asset for any prospective client. Sign Up For our online course TODAY!
Wow, fascinating! Glad there is finally a service out there, as “legalese” as they call it may as well be its own language. What inspired you to start Legal-Ease International?
I was working in Milan, Italy. I was privately consulting many lawyers who spoke English, but they did not speak Legal English. The idea was born. This was in 1992; I was the first. The name Legal-Ease International was incorporated. A logo formed, successful courses throughout Italy, and now we are in over 50 countries, with online classes, live classes, and amazing Software of Legal Forms in English and Spanish.
It seems like you have come a long way! What were the most significant challenges you’ve faced when starting?
Well, capital for sure. I didn’t have a dime when I started. I recall a time where if someone did not register for my first course, I wondered how I would eat. Also, being a woman in business in Italy and other countries was very challenging at that time.
I can only imagine. Do you feel there are fundamental differences between different generations when using your product/service?
I believe that all ages, all stages of one’s career need a solid command of Legal English. Some may be more comfortable studying online or using online forms, but the substantive issues remain the same. One wrong word in a contract or letter can change the entire meaning of a letter or contract. The precise terminology, especially when English is not the first language, is imperative for proper communication.
Interesting! And how do you differentiate yourself from competitors?
We are the World Leader in Legal English. I created this industry when there was no competition. We go directly to the country of our clients. This eliminates the need for them to travel and reduces expenses. All our trainers are U.S. lawyers giving us knowledge of the language of the law. We speak several languages. We are the first and foremost and most prestigious. Legal-Ease International is in a league of its own. The one, the only, the original…the best!
The first mover always has the advantage! Do you have any plans to extend to other countries or markets?
Yes, we are expanding throughout China, Japan, and South America.
That’s great! What would you say was the most memorable experience in the entire process?
Oh, good question. There are so many…wait till my memoirs come out…haha, I would say the first day, when I really had no money. A room reserved for the Class, no students. And then…BOOM, three lawyers in Italy, registered. It was euphoric. Everything changed…it BEGAN. Legal-Ease International was a reality. I will never forget that moment when I heard, “we will send three.” Pure joy and an awareness that I could do this! It works! My dreams were a reality.
It must have been a great feeling! What strategies do you use to overcome stress and the inevitable roadblocks for moving forward?
I try to take a time out. I have had many roadblocks. Mostly being a woman in business at a time when not too many were doing this.
Sometimes that’s all you need. Which target market would be ideal for your product/service?
They all are. I love the idea of providing our services to countries that are entering the world stage. Knowledge of Legal English from Legal-Ease International will enable them to write documents with certainty. This will enable them to get more clients. I love that feeling of service and teaching.
What has the overall feedback been from customers/vendors regarding your products/ services?
They love it. I have had many, many students the world over actually cry when the course ends.
It must be a very memorable course, then! Who has been your greatest source of inspiration?
Great question. I didn’t think of many at the time. I suppose Mary Baker Eddy came to mind. I am a lifelong Christian Scientist, and MBE was the founder. I was always fascinated by how she did this a century ago when women did not even have the right to vote.
What are your greatest fears moving forward regarding your business model?
That the Seminar might not deliver what it needed to, or that I would not have the base required amount of clients.
How have the recent economic events affected your business? What have you done to adapt?
Many Seminars are online. However, we are back! Taking precautions and teaching LIVE.
Nice! Which service are you most proud of?
My live Seminars. There is magic in teaching a foreign lawyer, student, or translator who did not know something coming in and has mastered it coming out. It’s extremely satisfying.
What advice would you give to your past self?
Never stop believing. Try to get a little capital under your belt, but a “Right” idea will find its path! Find a need and fill it…and I did, and Legal-Ease International continues to do so.
Dena, thank you so much for your time today. It was a pleasure speaking with you! Where can readers learn more about Legal-Ease International and the services you offer?
The pleasure is all mine! You can learn more on our website at
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